Shortcodes – Player

Custom Styles

Custom Styles

Avg. Kills
In career
Avg. Deaths
In career
Avg. Assists
In career
0%Win Rate

Player Stats

Custom Styles

Total Kills In career 56
Total Deaths In career 36
Total Assists In career 42
Total Gold In career 95.8K
Total Damage In career -
Creep Score In career -

Player Stats

Total Kills In career 56
Total Deaths In career 36
Total Assists In career 42
Total Gold In career 95.8K
Total Damage In career -
Creep Score In career -

Player Game-by-Game Stats

Date Versus Results

Player Newslog

  • Pro Gamer The Destroy (James Spiegel) has joined the League of Heroes Alchemists team!
    January 7, 2020
  • The Destroy (James Spiegel) has left the Xenowatch Clovers team!
    October 22, 2018
  • The Destroy has won the League of Heroes World Tournament!
    April 13, 2018

Career Total

SeasonKillsDeathsAssistsGoldAvg. KDA RatioAvg. Gold per MinAvg. Total Gold

Player List

1The DestroyCustom StylesValholl0000
2FayedBebopCustom StylesValkyrine0000
3G-HuntressCustom StylesJaxxy Reev0000
4BrdWonderCustom StylesRagnark0000
5Crazzzy_80Custom StylesBloodshid0000